
Know Before You Vote

Know Before You Vote

August 6, 2021

Did you know there will be 8 Constitutional amendments on your ballot this November? Texas voters will decide whether or…

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COVID Liability Protections

COVID Liability Protections

July 26, 2021

Last week, Governor Abbott signed SB 6 into law which I was pleased to author with my friend and colleague…

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SB 766 – Protecting Victims of Human Trafficking

SB 766 – Protecting Victims of Human Trafficking

July 22, 2021

Senate Bill 766, which I authored and passed with Senator Joan Huffman, cracks down on human traffickers who prey upon…

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Speaking Out & Speaking Up For You

Speaking Out & Speaking Up For You

July 14, 2021

This morning I was on the Chris Salcedo show where I discussed the Texas House Democrat walkout and how these…

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Catalytic Converter Theft

Catalytic Converter Theft

June 18, 2021

The problem of catalytic converter theft has reached crisis proportions in Texas, and action was required. Catalytic converters are automobile…

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