Rep Leach Announces for Re-Election!
December 13, 2021
Today, State Representative Jeff Leach announced his plans to seek re-election to the Texas House of Representatives for a sixth term. Representative Leach is the recipient of numerous recognitions from conservative organizations, including Texas Values, Texas Right to Life, Texas Alliance for Life, and the Texas Conservative Coalition. In addition to his work on criminal justice reform, civil jurisprudence, tax reform and public education, Jeff has led the charge to secure many important conservative victories, including lead author on two widely-supported Constitutional Amendments: Proposition 4 in 2019, banning a state income tax, and Proposition 3 in 2021, protecting Texas churches and houses of worship from closure by government officials. Additionally, Jeff was the lead author of the Texas Born Alive Infant Protection Act in 2019 and was a Joint Author of the Texas Heartbeat Act in 2021. Representative Leach is currently serving his second term as Chairman of the Texas House Committee on Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence and also serves on the Texas House Committee on Juvenile Justice and Family Issues and the Select Committee on Youth Health and Safety.
During his five terms in the Texas House, he has fought successfully on the front lines in the battles that matter most to the Texans of today and future Texans of tomorrow. He has safeguarded our fundamental liberties and freedoms, including the right to life, the freedom to worship and the right to defend ourselves and our families. He has invested in public education, improved our infrastructure, lowered taxes and limited government overreach. Additionally, he has made great strides in the areas of energy, criminal justice reform, healthcare and public safety.
Representative Leach knows that while we celebrate those victories, there remain great opportunities and big challenges on our horizon: protecting Texans from Biden’s dangerous Federal overreach in regards to vaccine mandates, getting our economy back on track, securing our border, lowering property taxes, further safeguarding our grid and protecting our free markets, to name a few. Each of these challenges will have his undivided attention, his full focus and complete devotion, as the people of Texas are counting on him to advocate and deliver on their behalf.
With his dear family steadfastly by his side and countless constituents, friends and supporters behind him, he will continue to roll up his sleeves, listen intently and work hard to ensure Texas remains a bright beacon of freedom, opportunity and liberty anywhere in America.