SB 766 – Protecting Victims of Human Trafficking
July 22, 2021Senate Bill 766, which I authored and passed with Senator Joan Huffman, cracks down on human traffickers who prey upon and profit from young Texas women by raising the required age to be employed at a sexually oriented business and mandating the use of e-verify by all club owners and employers. It was signed by Governor Abbott this week and is now law.
While this bill is a groundbreaking approach to this growing problem, make no mistake: the people, not the politicians, deserve the credit.
These folks standing behind us in this photo made this bill happen. Dancers who saw the horrors of the industry and escaped. Parents who lost their 18-year old daughter in a car accident, a victim of trafficking, over-served and over-worked at her club. All fierce advocates — committed in word and deed to solving this terrible problem.