The Budget is Done!
April 23, 2021
I took this photo at midnight last night as I was leaving the Capitol after over 10 hours of floor debate and nearly 240 amendments on our $246 billion, biennial state budget, which passed with unanimous bipartisan support in the Texas House. The budget we passed is fiscally conservative.
And it fully funds the priorities and core competencies of our state government. After working for many months with my legislative colleagues to craft the budget, I’m happy to report that I kept the promises I made to you, the citizens I am elected to serve and advocate for.
We fully funded public education. We strengthened public safety, including over $800 million for border security. We invested in healthcare, including over $1 billion to community mental health programs for adults, children, and crisis services. We invested smartly in our infrastructure. We fully funded the state’s “Alternative to Abortion” program, meeting women and their families at the point of their need with necessary resources and services.
And we did all of this – and much more – without raising taxes or fees on hardworking Texans – just like we promised we’d do. At this point, the House and Senate will confer on the differences between our two budgets and work diligently in the remaining days of session to get a smart, conservative, bold budget to the Governor’s desk by the time session adjourns in late May.
Bottom line: This is your House. And your voice is being heard loud and clear.